Family Resources
As part of our GBC Kids Mission Statement, our goal is to provide resources to you as a family that will help you show and teach your children who Christ is and the love He has for them.
The Gospel Project App
Our curriculum has a wonderful app that is available for Apple and Android which can be used as a follow-up resource for families looking to take what their children are learning on Sunday mornings and incorporate it into their weekly lives. There is both a "Lite" version which is free as well as a version available for purchase. Within the purchasable content you receive games related to the lesson, the theme song and the actual Bible story video we show during Sunday School. The children love these videos and they have been a fabulous resource for helping teach our children the Bible.
GBC Kids Facebook Group
Join our GBCkids Facebook group for the easiest way to stay up to date with all things GBCkids. Through our page we talk Sunday School, AWANA, VBS and Family Fun events all in one spot. Please feel free to post here if you have questions related to our programming or anything else ministry related!
Child Dedications
At Groton Bible Chapel we offer the opportunity for parents to dedicate their children to the Lord twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. These are such joyous days for the families and our entire church family. If you are interested in having your child dedicated or are looking for more information please click the button below!
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