Giving at Groton Bible Chapel


You can give online by following the button provided. You will need to sign up for a user account in order to use this service. The transaction uses 128-bit encryption to process your donation.

Cash or check

You can place your check into the coffers located outside the doors of the sanctuary, or you can send it in the mail.  Please make checks payable to Groton Bible Chapel.

Groton Bible Chapel
66 Toll Gate Road
Groton, CT 06340 

Securities, Assets, or Planned Gifts

You can leave a financial legacy for Groton Bible Chapel through a variety of planned gifts. We offer help with stock gifts, property, complex gifts and memorial gifts to the church.

For more information please contact Mike Bontempo.

Giving through
designated funds

Below is a list of the funds to which you can designate your gifts. If you donate by check, you can write the name of the fund which you want your gift to be applied to in the memo line. If you use the online giving system, you will have the opportunity to designate a dollar amount for each fund.  If no fund is specified, the gift will automatically be placed into the general fund.

  • General Fund - The general fund is used to finance the normal everyday management of the church.

  • Gleanings - The gleanings fund is for helping individuals who are dealing with unexpected hardships. Whether it's medical costs, the loss of a job, or other hardships, this fund helps get people "back on their feet."

  • Missions - The missions fund helps to support our GBC missionaries as well as other specific missions projects.

  • Building Fund - Money designated to the Building Fund is used for additional principle payments towards the repayment of the building loan or for future building expansion use once the loan has been paid off.

  • Toll Gate Christian Preschool - The Toll Gate fund is used to submit tuition payments and help fund the operation of Toll Gate Preschool.