
We are a non-denominational church devoted to loving & following Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Our mission is to reflect the Lord Jesus Christ to our needy world.

Meet Pastor Gary

We are so glad you have stopped by. Please take a listen as Pastor Gary introduces himself & Groton Bible Chapel, and feel free to connect with us below using our Digital Connect Card.

Resources for you

Welcome Aboard is the next step in getting connected here at Groton Bible Chapel. It runs most months and goes for three weeks.

Welcome Aboard

Listen as Pastor Zak explains some of the basics of the Christian Faith. If you’re new to Christianity and would like to speak more with a Pastor, please fill out the connect card above.

New to Christianity?

Learn more about us

Got kids?

GBCkids is a fun, comfortable place for kids to enjoy learning about Jesus.

What we believe

Learn about our essential beliefs and our doctrinal statement.

Meet the team

Our team serves and equips other believers to reflect the Lord Jesus Christ to our world.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our first step at GBC is our Welcome Aboard Class, which we begin the first Sunday of every month (except April and December). This class covers our beliefs. It provides an opportunity to meet our pastors and staff, in addition to connecting with other people new to GBC and new to the area. Finally, the class provides really clear next steps for those looking to get more involved through either serving or joining a group.

  • We are so excited for the journey God has you on! We would love the opportunity to meet you and talk more about next steps. We believe strongly in need to “connect and grow”. We can talk about ways to help you familiarize yourself with the Bible and meet people that can encourage you in your growing faith in Jesus. Please email office@grotonbiblechapel.org so that we can set up a time to get to know you better.

  • GBC is a non-denominational church committed to reflecting Jesus Christ to a needy world. We began in 1919 with strong Brethren roots. Some “glimpses” into our heritage can be noticed in our shared preaching model as well as our strong dedication to learning and studying God’s Word. GBC began as a teaching environment for children, and for its first 5 decades the kids outnumbered the adults! This value continues today as we believe strongly in the importance of investing in the next generation. To learn more, visit the page about our story.

  • In addition to announcements on social media, we publish a physical bulletin every Sunday morning that is also available on our website. One of the best ways to stay updated is to subscribe to our Monday morning email which goes out every week. You can subscribe HERE.

  • Our groups mainly operate on a semester system that generally runs from September-December and January-May. We promote our groups every August for new sign-ups and people are welcome to continue exploring and joining groups for the rest of the year. You can usually begin looking through groups on our website around the middle of August. We generally have somewhere around 80-90 groups running in any given semester between Bible Studies, Care Groups, Small Groups, and Marriage Enrichment.

    Check out our groups here!

  • We serve our kids and teens on both Sunday morning (year round) and mid-week program (school year). All of our family ministry follows the Gospel Project Curriculum for Sunday mornings, which includes the same content being taught across all ages (in different age appropriate ways). AWANA meets on Wednesday nights and serves our PreK-5th grade. ENGAGE also meets Wednesdays from 6-8pm and serves our 6th-8th graders. BREAKAWAY meets on Tuesday nights from 6-8pm and serves our high school students. You can find more details on our children and youth webpages.