Join us as we come together to worship our risen Savior! Our 7:30AM service will be traditional in worship style, being lead by a choir made up of some of the members in our congregation.

This service will be followed by three services (9:00AM, 10:30AM & 12:00PM), contemporary in worship style, and being lead by one of our worship bands. We look forward to celebrating with you!

Other Details:

  • We are expecting a big turn out! As space is limited, be sure to arrive as early as you'd like.

  • Overflow space will be available in our Youth Room.

  • GBCyouth - There will be no specific Teen Service provided. Teens are encouraged to attend the service with their parents.

Sunday School

Nursery and Sunday School will be available at the
9:00am, 10:30am, and 12:00pm services.

**Nursery rooms will be open for family use at 12:00pm.